Transformative Learning Experiences: An Empirical Analysis of Hybrid Learning Effectiveness in Management Education in Sri Lanka

Published: 13 February 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/h5m83ytzfb.1
Pivithuru Kumarasinghe, Nilmini Rathnayake​


This dataset comprises survey responses collected from undergraduate students enrolled in commerce and management degree programs across various universities in Sri Lanka. The study aimed to measure Entrepreneurial Health Literacy (EHL) among students and its association with factors such as hybrid learner attitude, hybrid learner interaction, benefits of health literacy, and obstacles to health literacy. The dataset includes demographic information of participants such as gender, age, academic year, type of university (state/private), and employment status. Responses were collected using a structured questionnaire administered through Google Forms, focusing on perceptions, attitudes, and experiences related to EHL and hybrid learning. Descriptive statistics, regression analysis, and discussion of findings are included in the accompanying research article. This dataset provides valuable insights into the understanding of EHL among undergraduate students in the Sri Lankan higher education context.



Education, Educational Administration, Higher Education, Infrastructure, COVID-19
