Structural Equation Modeling Data Set for Entrepreneurial Success Funnel Model
This Data Set includes several data, they are connected as a part of creating entrepreneurial funnel model by using structural equation modeling (SEM). The data is as follows : 1. Table 1: Cross Scoring Average Indicator from PsyCap Variable Description: The data shows the score of each PsyCap indicator (Hope, Efficacy, Resilience, and Optimism) on entrepreneur from Wira Usaha Muda Mandiri Indonesia participant based on their gender, previous business experience, business sector, and family entrepreneurial background. 2. Table 2: Variable Profile of PsyCap Analysis Description: The data shows the average score of each PsyCap indicator (Hope, Efficacy, Resilience, and Optimism) on entrepreneur from Wira Usaha Muda Mandiri Indonesia participant. 3. Table 3 Good Fit Model of PsyCap Analysis Description: The data shows the calculation result to prove the functionality of SEM modeling used to relate PsyCap with Entrepreneurial Success. 4. Table 4 Significance Test Result of MGA of PsyCap Analysis Description: The data shows the value of significance between PsyCap and entrepreneurial success on entrepreneur from Wira Usaha Muda Mandiri Indonesia participant based on their gender, previous business experience, business sector, and family entrepreneurial background.