Data for: Multi-stage Holocene evolution of the River Murray Estuary, South Australia
Published: 9 October 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/h6gtvt32hd.1
Thomas Job, , , , , Description
This dataset contains core logs, magnetic susceptibility, and scanning-XRF data (1 mm resolution; 24 elements) for 9 sediment cores sampled from Lake Albert, South Australia (-35.6, 139.3); one of the two 'Lower Lakes' that constitute the River Murray Estuary. Age-depth modelling results (BACON), laser diffraction grain-size data (1 cm resolution; Malvern Mastersizer 2000), and loss-on-ignition data (2 cm resolution) for one of the sediment cores are also included. This dataset accompanies the paper 'Multi-stage Holocene evolution of the River Murray Estuary, South Australia'.
University of Sydney Faculty of Science, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
Sedimentology, X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Estuary, Geomorphology, Sedimentation, Holocene, Paleogeography