Dataset of leaf inclination angles for 71 different Eucalyptus species

Published: 1 September 2020| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/h76nbndxt6.3
Jan Pisek, Kairi Adamson


The dataset presents leaf angle measurements for 71 different, Australia-native Eucalyptus species collected in 13 botanical gardens. This dataset is supplementary data for the submitted paper to Data in Brief [1]. The data format corresponds to the one used for reporting leaf angle measurements in TRY plant trait database. Regarding the measurements, we provide information on species, latitude, longitude, altitude, sampling date, exposition, plant growth form, comments, methods, reference, and measured leaf angles. Along with the dataset, R code (getLIAD.R) is provided which calculates Beta distribution parameters, mean and standard deviation, and de Wit distribution type from an input .csv file with leaf angle measurements (in degrees). Sample input .csv file (input_example_LIA.csv) for the R code is provided as well. Paper [1] describes the applied data collection methods and procedures. The data were collected as a part of projects from Estonian Research Council Grants PUT 232, PUT1355, Mobilitas Pluss MOBERC11, P7-Marie Curie Actions program, and Estonian Science Foundation grant no. ERMOS32. See further detail from the related article. [1] Pisek J., & Adamson, K. 2020. A dataset of leaf inclination angles for 71 different Eucalyptus species. Data in Brief (2020).



Tartu Observatoorium, Tartu Ulikool


Ecological Modeling, Remote Sensing, Australia, Leaf Studies
