
Published: 25 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/h784hj9s83.1
Erick Gzz Rdz , Kevin Cepeda, Angel Rivas, Vania Martinez, Luz Maria Alonso-Valerdi, David I Ibarra-Zarate


Abstract: Understanding the somatosensory system and its abnormalities requires the development of devices that can accurately stimulate the human skin. New methods for assessing the somatosensory system can enhance the diagnosis, treatments, and overall prognosis for individuals with somatosensory impairments. Therefore, the design of NeuroSense, a tactile stimulator that evokes three types of daily life sensations (touch, air and vibration) is described in this work. The prototype aims to evoke quantitative assessments to evaluate the functionality of the somatosensory system and its abnormal conditions that affect the quality of life. In addition, the device has proven to have varying intensities and onset latencies after stimulation cues.



Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon


Computer-Aided Design, Electronic Circuit, Three Dimensional Printing
