Podcast on childhood care as educational health technology

Published: 15 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/h82d23f4cx.1
, Fernanda Garcia Bezerra Góes,


The collected data demonstrate that the use of podcasts has been described as fundamental in addressing various doubts related to childhood care. This form of educational technology has proven to be enlightening, practical, accessible, and interesting for the listeners. The topics covered were considered important for expanding participants' knowledge of child care. Additionally, the audio format of the podcast facilitated consumption of the content alongside listeners' daily tasks. Data analysis suggests that the use of podcasts influenced changes in participants' behavior, encouraging safe practices and guidelines aligned with best practices in pediatric health education. This reinforces the importance of social media as a means of disseminating information to improve care practices for the pediatric population. Based on the results obtained, it is concluded that podcasts are a facilitative educational technology in health for disseminating knowledge about child care in a practical, accessible, and free manner. Therefore, they can be successfully applied in health education, presenting an innovative aspect in the perspective of digital health.


Steps to reproduce

The dataset provided originates from textual responses provided by 41 participants in qualitative research conducted through an online Google Forms survey. These responses addressed the use of podcasts as educational technology in health for disseminating knowledge about childhood care. Questions included aspects such as listening frequency, auditory experience, influence on child care, practical application of content, changes in practices, perceived benefits and difficulties, as well as the podcast's dissemination among acquaintances. The data consists of textual responses extracted from forms filled out by participants, which constituted the primary data source for analysis. These responses were subjected to analysis using the Interface de R pour Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes Et de Questionnaires (IRAMUTEQ) software. The file structure includes a textual corpus derived from an Excel spreadsheet generated by Google Forms, which was subsequently prepared and encoded in Microsoft Word.


Universidade Federal Fluminense


Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Health, Educational Podcasts


Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
