Data for: RNA-Seq approach for accurate characterization of splicing efficiency of yeast introns

Published: 28 March 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/h85z2y42vg.1
Xuhua Xia


The data file has 7 columns and 305 rows containing information for 304 yeast introns, including 24 introns located in 5' UTR: 1. Gene: list the gene name containing individual introns. The first 24 introns are located in 5' UTR of 24 genes. 2. N_EE: number of transcriptomic reads mapped to exon-exon junction sequences 3. N_EI5: number of transcriptomic reads mapped to exon-intron junction sequences at the 5' end 4. N_EI3: number of transcriptomic reads mapped to exon-intron junction sequences at the 3' end 5. L_intron: intron length 6. p_EI5: estimated proportion of EI5 according to Eq. (1) of the manuscript. 7. SE: Splicing efficiency The transcriptomic data are from four files with SRA accessions SRR3440202, SRR3440204, SRR3440206, SRR3440207. They are from BioProject (project accession PRJNA319604). They are the first four of a total of 44 files.



Molecular Biology, Gene Splicing, RNA Splicing
