Bangladeshi Traffic Flow Dataset

Published: 15 January 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/h8bfgtdp2r.2
Mohammad Manzurul Islam, Mohammad Rifat Ahmmad Rashid


In Bangladesh, people are sadly not very much concerned about traffic rules. This study focuses on traffic flow patterns at two junctions in Dhaka, Shapla Chattar and Notre Dame College. Footover bridges at both junctions were used to collect video data, which captured single-lane and double-lane traffic situations involving different types of vehicles and also pedestrians crossing. The dataset comprises approximately 5774 images extracted from the videos, taken at five different time periods on a weekday. This dataset provides a unique view on traffic situations in Dhaka, Bangladesh, by presenting unstructured traffic environments at two busy consecutive junctions. Monitoring vehicle fitness, examining pedestrian behavior, and measuring vehicle flow are all possible applications. Researchers can use different machine learning techniques in these areas.



East West University


Computer Vision, Image Processing, Pedestrian, Traffic Congestion
