A dataset of circulating estradiol and progesterone, and fecal estradiol and progesterone metabolite concentrations of female felids
The data presented here are associated with the following articles: Andrews C.J., Thomas D.G., Welch M.V., Yapura J., Potter M.A. (2020). Monitoring ovarian function and detecting pregnancy in felids: a review. Theriogenology, In Press. DATA DESCRIPTION: Supplement 1 provides basal (anestrus or interestrus) and peak (estrus) estradiol and fecal estradiol metabolite concentrations reported for felid species in the existing peer-reviewed literature. The basal (non-luteal) and peak (diestrus) progesterone and fecal progesterone metabolite concentrations for each species are also summarized in Supplement 1. Supplement 2 contains the raw primary data used to calculate the values (secondary data) presented in Supplement 1. DATA COLLECTION: Peer-reviewed literature (published between January 1975 and February 2020) discussing the estradiol and progesterone, and fecal estradiol and progesterone metabolites concentrations of felids were reviewed. Searches were conducted for each felid species in both Web of Science and Google Scholar using the following search terms: ‘common name’ OR ‘other name’ OR ‘Genus species’ AND ‘serum OR plasma OR fecal OR faecal’ AND ‘estr* OR ovar* OR pregnan* OR gestat* OR luteal OR progest*’. For each publication and species, the mean and range of the basal and peak estradiol (pg/ml), fecal estradiol metabolite (ng/g), progesterone (ng/ml), and/or fecal progesterone metabolite (µg/g) concentrations were recorded. The overall (i.e., across all publications) weighted mean, sample size (both the number of animals and number of samples), and range of the basal and peak estradiol, fecal estradiol metabolite, progesterone, and/or fecal progesterone metabolite concentrations were calculated for each species.