ANOVA applied to the experimental design to determine the Adobe IRA in Raquira Boyaca
Published: 18 November 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/h9dg6s3sjz.1
Franz CalderonDescription
This data brief, summarizes the experimental design used to determine the materials that give the initial water resistance to adobe bricks.
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Method The methodology has a quantitative approach and the method is experimental, the main objective of the research is to determine the initial resistance absorption water rate (IRA) for which the ASTM C67 standard was used, which determines the percentage of absorption calculated by means of the equation: % absorption=(Pi-Pf)/Pi x100 Where Pi is the dry weight of the dry brick (gr), Pf is the saturated weight of the brick after a 60 seconds of immersion in cold water (gr).
Universitaria Agustiniana
Building Materials