Data for: The effect of successive uniaxial and biaxial cyclic loading on the fracture resistance of limestone samples

Published: 12 December 2019| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/h9v3s74fnt.3
, Mikhail Tavostin, Anastasia Tyutcheva, Maksim Krasilov, Yaroslav Kutkin


The purpose of the tests: a comparative assessment of the damage and resistance of limestone to the destructive effect under uniaxial and biaxial cyclic mechanical loads. Test data for two 50x50x25 mm limestone samples under uniaxial and biaxial sequential cyclic compressive loading are presented. The maximum stress in the cycle is 10 MPa. Sample LM1 was tested in series of 20 cycles in one direction. Each series of 20 cycles for the LM2 sample consisted of two subseries of 10 cycles, the second of which was carried out in the direction perpendicular to the direction of the first subseries. Loading was carried out before the destruction of the samples. Data are presented in two folders designated according to samples and test modes LM1 and LM2 respectively. Each of these folders contains subfolders directly with the corresponding data. Each subfolder contains three data files in which the registration results are recorded: - a file with the letters AE with data on the number of pulses of acoustic emission; - a file with the letter P with data on the load on the sample; - a file with the letter T with data on the strain gauge deformations oriented along the direction of the first loading in the series. For visualization and data processing, each folder contains programs written in the Mathcad software, the name of which contains the word Test. The data of sample LM1 are presented as follows. Folder LM1_8 - test data at a voltage of 8 MPa and a number of cycles of 20 (estimated loads). Folder LM1_10_20 - test data at a voltage of 10 MPa with cycle numbers from 1 to 20. Folder LM1_10_40 - test data at a stress of 10 MPa with cycle numbers from 21 to 40; further similarly to the folder LM1_10_122, when the destruction of the sample occurred. The data of LM2 sample are presented for those series when loading was carried out along the orientation direction of the strain gauge glued to the sample. Folder LM2_10_10 - test data at a stress of 10 MPa with load numbers from 1 to 10. Folder LM2_10_30 - test data at a voltage of 10 MPa with load numbers from 21 to 30, etc. to the folder LM2_10_110. It contains data on the subseries of loading when the destruction of the sample occurred. As a result, we obtained graphs of changes in the loads and deformations of the sample over time, as well as graphs of changes in the number of AE pulses up to failure. The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grant No. 17-05-00570.



Limestone, Fracture, Cyclic Loads, Biaxial Fatigue, Rock, Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing, Acoustic Emission
