Project files for mathematical modelling for high precision ray tracing in optical design

Published: 4 December 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hb8hv8b8ng.1
Changmao Wu


Raytracing-model (1) Optical testing cases used in the research paper "Mathematical modelling for high precision ray tracing in optical design," along with supplementary materials providing proof of the error formula for the ray tracing model. (2) Files ending with zmx, seq, and od respectively are project files for Zemax, CODE V, and SeeOD, respectively.


Steps to reproduce

Raytracing-model (1) Optical testing cases used in the research paper "Mathematical modelling for high precision ray tracing in optical design," along with supplementary materials providing proof of the error formula for the ray tracing model. (2) Files ending with zmx, seq, and od respectively are project files for Zemax, CODE V, and SeeOD, respectively.


Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences


Optical Engineering
