Effect of crop production parameters on yield and harvest index simulated with LPJ-GUESS (version 4.1)

Published: 26 May 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hbm4hbydmn.1
Hector Camargo-Alvarez


Simulated yield and harvest index with LPJ- GUESS (version 4.1) revision 10304, average between 2000 and 2010 in 20 locations for wheat and 22 for corn, are compiled in these databases. Obs_corn.csv and Obs_wheat.csv show the location coordinates and the reported yield at the gridcell scale by Ray et al. (2009) (YieldRay) and reported at the country scale by FAOSTAT (Fyield). Also, the estimated irrigated (Areai) and rainfed (Arear) harvested areas. Data includes a total of 17280 simulations combining different values for eight parameters: retranslocation of labile stem carbon (C) to grain (Sret), retranslocation rate of nitrogen (N) (senNrate) and Carbon (C) (senCrate) from vegetative organs to grain, N demand reduction after anthesis (N_dem_re), the extinction coefficient of N in the canopy (k_N), specific leaf area (SLA), minimum C:N ratio in leaves (CN_min) and range of C:N ratio in leaves (CN_range). These simulations were used for the sensitivity and calibration study of LPJ-GUESS. Databases are separated by yield and HI, for corn (CO) and wheat (WW) and simulations excluding the retranslocation of labile stem carbon (C) to grain (_nort). For corn, the output variables include high yielding corn rainfed and irrigated (TeCS and TeCSi, respectfully) and low yielding corn (TeCG and TeCGi), also a standard cultivar (TeCostd) used for spin up before the simulation period. Similarly for wheat, spring wheat (TeSW and TeSWi), winter wheat (TeWW and TeWWi) and standard spin up cultivar (TeWstd). This data is required to reproduce the sensitivity and calibration analysis using the code in https://github.com/hacamargoa/Script_sensit.git References Ray DK, West PC, Clark M, et al (2019) Climate change has likely already affected global food production. PLoS One 14:1–18. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0217148 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2020) FAOSTAT. http://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#home. Accessed 3 Apr 2020



University of Birmingham


Data Modelling, Ecological Modeling Calibration, Crop Simulation Model
