Religiosity on Guilt Coping

Published: 16 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hbthydx25b.1
, André Torres Urdan


Consumer guilt (a stressful and frequent negative emotion in situations of moral consumption) compels the individual to react to mitigate it. In the face of guilt, there is a gap in what leads to different coping strategies (repairing, evasive, bi-reactive, and indifferent). In this sense, we articulate relationships between religiosities (intrinsic and extrinsic) and confrontation, whose hypotheses constitute a conceptual model. We tested the model with a quantitative survey scheme. We collected data from university students and professors. The research revealed relationships between the predominant intrinsic religiosity in the person and the repairing behavior, as well as between the predominant extrinsic religiosity and the avoidant behavior. Implications are pointed out, along with suggestions for further research.


Steps to reproduce

The first author of this article supervised data collection at a Brazilian public university. The sampling of courses was by judgment. To obtain heterogeneity in the ethical and religious profiles, we selected the undergraduate courses in Philosophy and Social Sciences, whose students are seen as more critical and guided by deontological ethics and Economics, Accounting, and Administration, with a higher proportion of people guided by teleological ethics. For convenience, we selected classrooms of these courses. In class, after a brief oral explanation of the content of the research, everyone that would identify with religion or feeling the importance of religiosity in life was invited to answer the questionnaire (self-filled, with paper and pen), even without practicing a religion. Those that accepted the invitation, and at least 18 years old (the Brazilian legal age), read and signed a consent statement form. After, the questionnaire was administered. In total, we collected 302 completed questionnaires and only discarded 3 for the following reasons: a) forgetting or giving up completing the questionnaire completely; b) confusing filling, with blank and/or marked items with two answer alternatives, with no indication that one was canceled. The original database, which emerged from typing the answers to the questionnaires, was converted into another database, with the averages of the respondents in the scales of Confrontations and Religiosities.


Universidade Nove de Julho - Campus Vergueiro


Sampling Survey
