Data for: Consistently heterogeneous structures observed at multiple spatial scales across fire-intact reference sites

Published: 3 October 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hbx9hhkhpv.1
Caden Chamberlain


Geospatial polygons representing fire-suppressed control sites against which fire-intact reference sites were compared in Chamberlain et al. (2023). Control sites represent areas with 1) no record of fire history, 2) no record of late 20th century or early 21st century timber management, and 3) no "Fast Change" detected by the Landscape Change Monitoring System dataset. All sites are predominantly within the yellow pine and mixed-conifer zone of California's Sierra Nevada, USA. Polygon boundaries were defined using the NHDPlusV2 catchments, and were manually reshaped using aerial imagery to ensure that polygons were > 100 ha, represented primarily forested areas, and excluded major roads, infrastructure, and major rock outcrops. References Chamberlain, C.P., Cova, G.R., Cansler, C.A., North, M.P., Meyer, M.D., Jeronimo, S.M.A., Kane, V.R., 2023. Consistently heterogeneous structures observed at multiple spatial scales across fire-intact reference sites. Forest Ecology and Management.


Steps to reproduce

See detailed description of methods in: Chamberlain, C.P., Cova, G.R., Cansler, C.A., North, M.P., Meyer, M.D., Jeronimo, S.M.A., Kane, V.R., 2023. Consistently heterogeneous structures observed at multiple spatial scales across fire-intact reference sites. Forest Ecology and Management.


University of Washington


Ecology, Remote Sensing, Forest


National Aeronautics and Space Administration

