Iron Ore Exports from Odisha; Contribution to the State Domestic Product (SDP) of Odisha from Mining

Published: 28 June 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hc3mfd8f3t.1
Richa Patro


After the scandalous state of the mining regime in Goa, Shah Commission went to further disclose more such scams in other mineral rich states, such as that of Odisha (Patnaik, 2012). On the mining sector in Odisha, the Commission prepared and submitted a 5 volume report. This report revealed a mining scam in Odisha to the tune of 59,203 Cr. As production halted throughout the mining sector, the percentage of share contributed by it to the state domestic product of Odisha fell drastically. In 2016-2017, the average contribution to Odisha’s SGDP was only at 7.12%. Additionally, due to soaring illegalities the iron ore exports from Odisha was worth less than Rs.10,000 million which is negligible for a mineral rich state as such.



Economics, Finance, India, Mining, Public-Private Partnership, Taxation, Corruption
