Design of an Escape Room Themed Board Game "Sea Expedition: The Mystery of SS Ourang Medan" as a Media for Self-Development for Generation Z

Published: 1 October 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/hcb9wftxr2.2


Since 2015, Indonesia has experienced a demographic bonus. The demographic bonus is a condition in which the productive age population (15-64 years) has a larger percentage compared to the non-productive age population (>64 years). In this range, Generation Z is the dominant generation. Uniquely, Generation Z is a generation that is very different from the previous generation because it was introduced to technology earlier. This has positive and negative impacts. The negative impacts include becoming individualistic and selfish, having difficulty focusing, and not liking normative things. These things need to be fixed to maximize the peak period of the demographic bonus. However, conventional learning is not an effective way. Therefore, the author chose to design an escape room-themed board game where the benefits of the escape room itself are directly proportional to the goals to be achieved from the existing problems. The author used a qualitative-descriptive method with a design thinking approach in this design. Based on the results of the distributed questionnaire, it was found that Generation Z realized they had shortcomings that needed fixing but did not understand how to fix them. So designing this board game is the right choice. Previous research has also stated that board games are a good learning option to increase students' interest in learning something. It is hoped that the design of this board game can help Generation Z's self-development in a fun way so that they can develop themselves and maximize Generation Z's performance during the demographic bonus period in Indonesia.



Bina Nusantara University


Graphic Design, Educational Game
