The dataset of studies concerning policy issues in Covid-19 pandemic

Published: 12 December 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hdcdn56j5g.1
Dinh-Hai Luong


The dataset contains 384 records of studies concerning policy issues in Covid-19 pandemic. The information was extracted from the Scopus database. Data were limited to English articles of the social sciences area, published from the 1st day of 2020 to September 10, 2020.


Steps to reproduce

Two keywords, “COVID-19” and “policy”, were used to search in the Scopus database. The search time was 11:30 AM on September 10, 2020. The parameter set using in the search engine is English articles in social sciences. Title, abstract, and full-text of every document were read to determine their eligibility. A total of 94 articles were excluded, which their content had no associated this field. ] The final dataset consisted of 384 valid records.


Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Health Sciences
