TG data of source rock pyrolysis
Published: 3 June 2020| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/hdd748847j.3
Malgorzata LabusDescription
Sample of shale from Oligocene menilite formation was taken from outcrop near Gorlice (Silesian Unit of Flysh Carpathians). Kerogen was extracted from source rock with use of conventional method of HCl&HF treatment. The pyrolysis experiments of source rock samples and separated kerogen samples were performed using NETZSCH simultaneous thermal analysis STA 449 F3 Jupiter. The tests were carried under non-isothermal conditions over the temperature range of 40-600oC. The measurement heating rates were: 2, 5, 10, 15 and 20K/min.
Politechnika Slaska