Published: 1 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hdnz7m95rx.1


This work seeks small reflections on the metaphysics of Arthur Schopenhauer. O German philosopher is considered by many as the creator of a metaphysics pessimist, could this pessimistic metaphysics be added to the contemporary world? The intellectual content of considering the world evil and suffering, and at the same time considering naive person who thinks differently, it could be a fallacy and also a lack of arguments convincing. Schopenhauer wanted to deeply investigate the being of things and the world, Therefore, his philosophy can be a key to understanding what we think determinant and necessary in the face of a world of possibilities and contingencies. O The objective of this work is to reflect on Schopenhauer's metaphysical thought. For For this, we will mainly use the author's magnum opus: the world as will and representation. To try to simplify Schopenhauer's metaphysics, we will use the work “Schopenhauer: step-by-step philosophy” by Jair Barboza, Arthur scholar Schopenhauer, who brilliantly divided the German philosopher's metaphysics into metaphysics of beauty, metaphysics of nature and metaphysics of ethics. To help us interpret the more difficult concepts and words, we will use the author’s “Schopenhauer Vocabulary” Alain Roger. Finally, to detail Schopenhauer’s concept of compassion, we will use the book “On the foundation of morals” by the author himself and the article by philosophy professor, Wander Andrade de Paula, entitled: Moral ordering of the world and justification of existence in Schopenhauer’s metaphysics”. We hope that in this work, the reader can delve into Schopenhauer's thought and bring new contemporary reflections


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Artigo de Término de Conclusão de Curso (TCC) do curso de Filosofia no Centro Universitário Internacional (UNINTER) - Envio em 14/09/2022 - Aceito em 20/09/2022 Apresentação de Término de Conclusão de Curso - TCC, no dia 22/11/2022, nota 100.


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