Ultraviolet Cured Craft Resin as a Removable Potting Material to Increase Analytical Throughput of Animal Hard Parts - Data

Published: 28 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hdtc37zp76.1
Jens Hegg


This dataset includes laser ablation data for three types of resins commonly used for preparation of animal hard parts samples. Resins were analyzed for a suite of elements using quadruple LA-ICPMS on a to determine their suitability as potting/embedding resins for hard part microchemistry studies. The results include non-quantitative data in counts-per-second (CPS) for Crystalbond 509 thermoplastic glue, Kisrel UV craft resin, and Blue Moon UV craft resin in the file "UV resin and Crystalbond Glue ICPMS results.xlsx", and semi-quantitative estimates of ppm calculated using the Trace Element IS method in Iolite software using Sn as the internal standard and NIST 612 as the standard in the file, "Resin_LA_DataReduction_Sn_IntStandard.xlsx". Semi-quantitative data doesn't not include Crystalbond (all data are zeros) because no element had enough of any element in the standard to quantify. Care should be taken in interpreting the ppm results as the resin is not matrix matched to the glass standard and therefore results are only semi-quantitative.


Steps to reproduce

non-quantitative data is summarized by mean and SD. Semi-quantititave data is the full output from Iolite and is also summarized in the "Pivot Table Mean SD" tab of the Excel workbook.


Gonzaga University


Ecology, Mass Spectrometry, Animal Migration, Isotope, Otoliths, Fisheries Science
