Data For: Towards Simulated Magnetic Processing of Heavy Mineral Sands on Auto-SEM-EDS Equipment
Published: 30 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hdtx2w4mzc.1
Igor TonzeticDescription
Supplementary data for: "Towards Simulated Magnetic Processing of Heavy Mineral Sands on Auto-SEM-EDS Equipment" (Magnetic Susceptibility Indices for 145 minerals) published in Minerals Engineering. Hypothesis: Magnetic Susceptibility Indices are a better predictor of processability than liberation. Notable Findings: Magnetic Susceptibility Indices are better at predicting the processability of heavy mineral sands concentrate streams than liberation. Furthermore, association data can be gleaned from magnetic susceptibility indices.
University of the Witwatersrand
Mineralogy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Process Metallurgy, Iron Ore Processing, Heavy Mineral