TEM data for the paper on TEM OR alogrithm comparison

Published: 2 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hf2vstctwp.1


TEM data for the paper on TEM OR alogrithm comparison The dataset includes the image list shown as below: -------------------------------------------------- No Record day BF--left EDP--right EDP -------------------------------------------------- 1 20210315 10--01-03-05--11-13-07 2 20230518 31--40-35-30--48-45-43 3 20240206 03--01-04-06--13-16-23 4 20240207 26--04-08-12--23-29-27 5 20220316 02--01-05-07--09-11-13 ------------------------------------------------ The excel file named with "TEM method for OR determination.xlsx" contains all the analysis details of OR extracting using the three different methods.


Steps to reproduce

TEM samples are prepared by using the standard double-jet electropolished to punch a hole at the centre of the grinded aluminium thin foils. To show the availability of TEM-based OR measurement, a few different TEMs are employed to show the diversity of instruments and the applicability of the TEM technique for OR measurement. The experimental method was carried out on a JEOL JEM-1400Plus operated at 120 KV equipped with a high background double tilt holder without using beam-stop. This microscope has been automatically corrected magnetic rotation between imaging mode and diffraction mode. Other TEMs in use are JEM-2100 (rectangle beam-stop head) and JEM-2200FS (round beam-stop head). EDP images were analyzed using software tool stereographic projection V2.0 developed by the current author and GMS 3.6. Orientation relationship matrix was extracted by using three algorithms inculding least square solution and singular value decomposition.


Electron Diffraction
