Data for: Evaluation of a Bauxite Cement-Bonded Fe-based Oxygen Carrier During Hundreds of Cycles under Coal-fueled Chemical Looping Combustion Conditions
Published: 10 November 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hfdrrdf9x7.1
Li Yang, Fang Liu, Xi Zhang, Hengfeng Bu, Xin WuDescription
data in beief, contains: 1.Carbon conversion rate and CO2 selectivity at different No. of cycle; 2.CO2 concentrations evolution with No. of cycles; 3.The change in mechanical strength of the OC before and during cycled testing;4.The evolution on attrition rates of the OC as a function of operation time; 5.XRD patterns of OC after different cycles of carbon oxidation.