Brittle-ductile rheological behavior in subduction zones: effects of strength ratio between strong and weak phases in a bi-phase system
The input files for runing the 2D models in Aspect are provided here. Results are provided in the manuscript "Brittle-ductile rheological behavior in subduction zones: effects of strength ratio between strong and weak phases in a bi-phase system" submitted to Geophysical Research Letter by A. Maitre, F. Gueydan, C. Thieulot and E. Oliot. shear.prm: input file for the 2D models script_single: bash script to run one 2D model (please modify the path for the ASPECT code) script_reference: bash script to run the reference 2D models in the Figure 2 (and Figure S4, S5) script_param: bash script to run the 2D models in the Figure 3 (and Figure S6, S7)
Steps to reproduce
To run the different models, you have to install ASPECT in following the recommandations in When ASPECT is installed, the all of set up is present in the shear.prm file. You can change the rheological, geometrical and numerical parameters. To run the different models, we use different bash scripts : - reference models with "script_reference" - parametric models with "script_param" To run the models of the Supplementary Materials (Figure S6 and S7) we run the different models with the "script_param" but before we modified the tested parameter (the proportion of the inclusion or the strain rate) in the shear.prm file. To run the models with different box sizes, you have to change the parameter in the shear.prm file also. Don't forget to change the resolution to have a coherent result. If you want to test a single run, you can use the "script_single". We use the file "solution.pvd" to visualize the model with Paraview.5.11.1 and the files in the repertory "solution" which contains the details of the data for each time step in the .vtu files. We use Spyder (python) to export the data in a .ascii file.