Maize Ecophysiology and Yield Following Cover Crops and Imposed Drought

Published: 22 February 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/hg46dkxvd7.2


Briefly, this dataset includes ecophysiological and yield measurements from a two-site-year study of maize grown following five functionally diverse cover crop treatments under imposed drought conditions. The experiment is described in detail in the following publications: - Hunter, M., A. Kemanian, D. Mortensen. 2021. Cover Crops and Drought: Maize Ecophysiology and Yield Dataset. Data in Brief 35:106856. - Hunter, M., A. Kemanian, D. Mortensen. 2021. Cover crop effects on maize drought stress and yield. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and the Environment 311:107294. - Hunter M. 2018. Sustainable intensification and climate resilience: Cover crops, soil improvement, and drought. Ph.D. dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University.


Steps to reproduce

Detailed methods are described in the following publications: - Hunter, M., A. Kemanian, D. Mortensen. 2021. Cover Crops and Drought: Maize Ecophysiology and Yield Dataset. Data in Brief 35:106856. - Hunter, M., A. Kemanian, D. Mortensen. 2021. Cover crop effects on maize drought stress and yield. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and the Environment 311:107294. - Hunter M. 2018. Sustainable intensification and climate resilience: Cover crops, soil improvement, and drought. Ph.D. dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University.


University of New Hampshire, American Farmland Trust, Penn State


Agricultural Science, Drought Associated with Global Change, Sustainable Agriculture, Drought, Cover Crop, Winter Cover Crops, Agricultural Diversification, Plant Ecophysiology, Drought Mitigation Strategies, Low-Input Agriculture
