Academic Motivation of Incoming Freshmen (2019)
Published: 6 November 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hg4x8cn7zb.1
Bradford LeeDescription
Results of the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS), applied to 591 incoming freshmen of a Japanese private university. Students were surveyed during Orientation Week, before the start of their first classes. Student IDs have been removed to protect the identities of the survey participants. Variables for Department (1: electrical engineering; 2: mechanical engineering; 3: civil engineering; 4: nuclear engineering; 5: environmental sciences; 6: information sciences; 7: design; 8: sports & health sciences), Proficiency (1: highest; 2: high; 3: medium; 4: low), Gender (1: male; 2: female), and Nationality (1: Japanese; 2: other).
Teaching, Motivation