*Specific use of any data requires authorization from the authors. Coastal roads in Maui County are at-risk of sea level rise and coastal hazards. These roads are often the only way people travel, so the inundation and deterioration of coastal roads increases communities’ vulnerability and negatively impacts the everyday life of residents. Recognizing the urgency of this issue, Maui County and HDOT asked the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Coastal Hydraulics Engineering Resilience lab at University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa to help adapt coastal county roads for future coastal hazard scenarios. To inform this project’s engineering design, a stakeholder assessment was conducted to ensure the most sustainable and culturally-sensitive development option is recommended. The assessment also helps Maui and the State of Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) identify stakeholder needs. In addition to semi-structured interviews, a questionnaire ranking all possible coastal adaptation options was given. This project is focused on the islands of Maui and Molokai. Lāna‘i is not included, as the island does not have any coastal county roads. During the summer of 2021, a total of 112 subjects were interviewed and 102 stakeholders responded to the survey. This dataset contains the results from the study, along with information on stakeholder and respondent characteristics and represented areas. Results of the stakeholder assessment contain 1) stakeholder preferences of coastal road adaptation options, 2) areas and roads of stakeholder concern, 3) stakeholder desires surrounding coastal issues, 4) tools and information needed for stakeholders to prepare for coastal disasters and road disruptions, 5) identified barriers and limitations to adaptation, 6) information on current and upcoming stakeholder and government actions to increase resilience, and 7) information on government-resident experiences. Disclaimer: The results from the oral interviews were obtained through a series of extensive open-ended questions; meaning the answers depended on how the respondent chose to answer the question based on their priorities rather than being given a predetermined set of statements to agree or disagree with. Therefore, the actual number of respondents that agree with a statement may be higher if they were to be prompted with those statements than those that voluntarily indicated the response. Additionally, interview questions were customized based on stakeholder types, available time, and length of responses, meaning not all 112 subjects were asked the same questions. More information on the interview methodology can be found in the written thesis below. If you'd like to read the thesis associated with this dataset or learn more about the methods, here is the link:'i