Xe-Enhanced Computed Tomography - Tight Sandstone

Published: 11 February 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hgxdh8ps94.1
Mohammad Ebadi,


A tight sandstone sample has been projected with x-ray twice. First, the classic micron x-ray computed tomography images have been generated based on the dry sample. The resultant model does not provide the connectivity for permeability computations due to the large portion of sub-resolved pores. To take the effects of sub-resolved pores into account, the sample has been saturated with xenon and then projected for x-ray again. The target is to propose a hybrid digital image processing method to prepare a digital model including solids, pores and porous voxels. The prepared model then can be applied with the Stokes-Brinkman equation to compute the overall permeability of the model.



Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology


Image Processing, Permeability, Pore Structure, Pore Size Distribution, Pore-Scale Modeling, Petroleum Reservoir, Reservoir Engineering, Petrophysics, Pore Scale, Porous Media, Pore Size, Flow in Porous Medium
