Effect of upper back pain on respiratory indices in college going students.

Published: 30 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hh46zbf4dc.1
Ridhi Ridhi,


BACKGROUND: The connection between upper back discomfort and college-bound students' respiratory indices is a topic of growing attention in the disciplines of respiratory physiology and musculoskeletal health. Though a lot of study has been done on how posture and ergonomics affect musculoskeletal discomfort in different populations, less thought has been given to how these characteristics can affect respiratory function, especially in young adults who are enrolled in academic settings. AIM: To evaluate the effect of upper back pain on respiratory indices in college-going students. METHODOLOGY: Students were informed and educated about the study and its relevance. Those who consented to participate were included in the study. A total of 152 students with upper back pain were assessed and evaluated out of which 12 were excluded as per the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Students were then thoroughly assessed for thoracolumbar range of motion, PEFR, Chest Expansion, Respiratory rate, etc. The data obtained was then analysed by using SPSS software version 20. RESULT: The results showed that there was a positive correlation between VAS and PEFR. Along with this, a negative correlation was seen between the respiratory rate and thoracolumbar range of motion in the patients suffering from upper back pain. CONCLUSION: This study concludes that upper back pain leads to respiratory system compromise. Posture correction and timely rehab can not only reduce the pain but also can avoid long-term respiratory complications. Keywords: PEFR, ROM, VAS, RR, flexion, movements, pain.



Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation


Observational Study
