Case Fatality Rate, Attack Rate Data of COVID-19
Published: 26 May 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hh6bh84ywc.1
Manish PandeyDescription
The last decade faced a number of pandemics [1]. The current outbreak of COVID is creating havoc globally. The daily incidences of COVID-2019 from 11th January 2020 to 9th May 2020 were collected from the official COVID dashboard of world health organization (WHO) [2] , i.e. The data is updated with the population of the countries and further Case fatality rate, Basic Attack Rate (BAR) and Household Secondary Attack Rate (HSAR) are computed for all the countries. The data would be used by epidemiologists [3], data scientists and medical professionals across the world to draft various preventive and prescriptive measures for handling this outbreak.
Statistics, Health Profession, Artificial Intelligence, Epidemiology, Data Science, Pattern Recognition, Disease Outbreaks