Isotopic values, body mass, age class, and sex of capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) populations in Brazil
Published: 20 February 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hhkfv6tdzw.1
Marcelo Magioli, Hermes Luz, Francisco Borges, Hector Benatti, Ubiratan Piovezan, Fernanda BATTISTELLA PASSOS NUNES, Beatriz Lopes, Marcelo Moreira, Marcelo Labruna, Katia FerrazDescription
This dataset is part of the article titled 'Plasticity in resource use explains the persistence of the largest living rodent in anthropized environments' available at and includes uncorrected and correct stable carbon and nitrogen isotope values, individuals body mass, age class, and sex from capybara (Hydrochoerys hydrochaeris) populations in Brazil.
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For more information see the article 'Plasticity in resource use explains the persistence of the largest living rodent in anthropized environments' available at
Mammalia, Diet, Neotropics, Animal Ecology in Agricultural System, Rodentia, Feeding Behavior, Stable Isotope