Experimental data of wind pressures on a conventional high-rise building

Published: 7 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hj7r2f97j3.1
John Hochschild,


Building codes worldwide rely on wind tunnel tests of scale models to characterize peak wind loads. Numerous previous studies have identified shortcomings associated with scaled testing in an idealized inflow. Gathering absolute pressure data on a real-world high rise building unlocks better understanding of peak loading. This dataset contains over 2800 hours of pressure time series obtained on the roof of a 142 m tall conventional, rectangular high-rise in San Francisco, CA. The data shows how full-scale measurements can be used to generate insights into peak pressures and their dependence on approach wind characteristics. The measurements reveal flow stagnation on west (windward) face, combination attached/separated on the north face, separated wake flow on the east (leeward) face, and sharp separation on the south face. Due to the sharp separation, the most extreme peak pressures were observed on the south face. Measurements were obtained with absolute sensors onboard a network of custom data loggers, together with anemometers to characterize wind. Both raw time series and processed C'p statistics for 10-minute intervals are included here. Refer to README.md for a detailed description of the data.


Steps to reproduce

The placement of the motes and other sensors is detailed in the README.md file, and in associated publications.


Stanford University


Civil Engineering, Wind Loading
