Research Dataset on: "How hot can mitochondria be? Incubation at temperatures above 43 ºC induces the degradation of respiratory complexes and supercomplexes in intact cells and isolated mitochondria"

Published: 8 February 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hj9w6jmcfy.1


Mitochondrial function generates an important fraction of the heat that contributes to cellular and organismal temperature maintenance, but the actual values of this parameter reached in the organelles is a matter of debate. We have examined by Blue-Native electrophoresis, both in intact cells and in isolated organelles, the stability of respiratory complexes and supercomplexes at different temperatures to obtain information about their tolerance to heat stress. We observe that, upon incubation at values above 43 oC and after relatively short periods, respiratory complexes, and especially complex I and its supercomplexes, are unstable even when the respiratory activity is inhibited. These results support the conclusion that high temperatures (> 43 ºC) cause damage to mitochondrial structure and function and question the proposal that these organelles can physiologically work at close to 50 ºC. The Dataset includes the measurements of the different parameters analyzed in this work (to be published in the journal Mitochondrion under the same title as the Dataset): cell survival and viability, respiration and complex and supercomplex stability, as well as the original images of gels and blots from which the figures of the manuscript were built. It is organized in three documents A) IGA and WB raw_images, B) Main text figures data, and C) Supplementary figures data. There is also a word document (“Data set description”) with a more detailed description of the contents


Steps to reproduce

Description can be found in the accompanying document and in the manuscript "4. Materials and Methods" section.


Universidad de Zaragoza


Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Bioenergetics, Protein Stability, Temperature Effect


Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades


Gobierno de Aragón

E35_17R and grant number LMP220_21

Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer

