Data for: Water level response in wells to dynamic shaking in confining unconsolidated sediments: a laboratory study

Published: 2 March 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hjtmh3gyhy.1
Hongbiao Gu


The data of pore pressures, acceleration and water level in every scenario (total 24 scenarios), collected by the pore pressure, acceleration and water level sensors. They will be used to analyze the variation of pore pressures, acceleration and water level in different shaking conditions. Data Set S1-S24. The data of pore pressures in Scenario 1-24, collected by the pore pressure sensors in settings. It includes 9 pore pressure points, P1-P9 in order(see the position in figure 1). The first and second column is DATE and TIME, from the third to eleventh columns are the PORE PRESSURE data. Note that the collection frequency is 256Hz, so there are 256 numbers in 1 second. Data Set S25-48. The data of acceleration in Scenario 1-24, collected by the acceleration sensors in settings. It includes 5 acceleration points, A1-A5 in order(see the position in figure 1). The first and second column is DATE and TIME, from the third to seventh columns are the ACCELERATION data. Note that the collection frequency is 256Hz, so there are 256 numbers in 1 second. Data Set S49-72. The data of water level in Scenario 1-24, collected by the three water level sensors in settings. It has 3 columns of water level, No.1-No.3 in order(see the position in figure 1). The first and second column is DATE and TIME, from the third to fifth columns are the WATER LEVEL data. Note that the collection frequency is 1Hz, so there is 1number in 1 second undercollection.



Seismic Response
