Data for demand-side management of multiple homes

Published: 11 February 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hkyjg2spxf.1


DATA_BASE.csv: contains the base load profile for each home. DATA_BATTERY.csv: contains the battery characteristics for each home, the zero value indicates the non-availability of the battery for this home. DATA_OUTDOOR_TEMP.csv: contains the outdoor temperature for each home at each hour. DATA_PV.csv: contains the photovoltaic power for each home at each hour. DATA_WATER.csv: contains the hot water demand for each home at each hour of the day. DATA_TSA.csv: contains the minimum starting time (MIN_START_TIME), maximum ending time (MAX_END_TIME), preferred starting time (PREFERRED_TIME), the processing time (PROCESSIN_TIME), the rated power for each time-shiftable load (RATED_POWER). DATA_CONFIGURATION.csv: contains the number of homes, number of time slots, the electricity prices from the grid, and the number of time-shiftable loads per home.



Energy Engineering, Energy Management, Energy Demand Management, Energy Load Management, Microgrid, Household
