Physiotherapy Intervention for treating Cervicogenic Headache by comparing effect of TYPE IV LASER and Myofascial Release in Middle Aged Population.
Physiotherapy intervention for treating cervicogenic headache by comparing effect of type IV LASER therapy and myofascial release in middle aged population. Aim: Cervicogenic Headache (CGH) is a secondary type of headache which is often unilateral. It radiates to cervical regions such as occipital, frontal, temporal and pre-orbital. Pain episodes show varied duration of fluctuating, continuous pain. Myofascial Release (MFR) is a therapeutic technique that uses gentle pressure and stretching (direct and indirect approaches) intending to decrease pain, restore optimized length and facilitate release of fascial restrictions. Sub-occipital release is appropriate for reducing tension in soft tissues of cervical spine. High-intensity LASER therapy (HILT) is a higher-intensity laser radiation that is a new painless and powerful modality that has significant results in pain reduction. Method: The procedure was explained to the participants after obtaining their consent. The selected participants who fulfilled the selection criteria were randomized into two groups respectively on the basis of block randomization as participants receiving type IV LASER in group 1 and participants receiving MFR in group 2. Result: The major findings of the study were that both Group 1 (Type IV LASER Therapy) and Group 2 (MFR) showed statistically significant difference (p-value <0.05) in pre and post treatment within groups denoting their efficacy whereas there was no significant statistical difference in between the two interventions groups (p-value >0.05). Conclusion: The conclusion drawn from results obtained in the study suggest that both Type IV LASER therapy and MFR are proven to be effective in reducing the severity of pain and improving quality of life of CGH participants. Keywords: Cervicogenic Headache, High Level LASER Therapies, Myofascial Release, Sub-Occipital Release.