Spatial Covariance Reveals Isothiocyanate Natural Products Adjust Redox Stress to Restore Function in Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency (AATD)
1) 'AAT-variants+MPTC and PEITC.xlsx' contains the data of measured intracellular monomer, intracellular polymer, secreted monomer, secreted polymer and the inhibitory activity to neutrophil elastase for 72 AAT variants including AAT-WT in the absence or presence of MPTC and PEITC treatment in the IB3 cell line. 2) The input files, R-code scripts and output files for each phenotype landscape in the presence or absence of MPTC or PEITC treatment, as well as the delta phenotype barcodes are included in the folder of 'R-code scripts with input-output files'. 3) The 'Read me' file contains the overall descriptions of the files and the instructions for running the code.
Steps to reproduce
The folder of 'R-code scripts with input-output files' folder contains all the input files, R-code scripts and output files in the study. For example, in the ‘secreted monomer predict NE inhibitory activity -> DMSO’ folder, open the “DMSO-semono-acti.R” in R-studio. Set the ‘Working Directory’ of R-studio to the above folder, and then execute the R scripts. It will automatically generate all the output files. The overall running time is usually less than a minute.