Data on effect of endometrial scratching on pregnancy rate after Intrauterine insemination: A Randomised controlled trial.
Does endometrial Scratching(ES) in proliferative phase increase the probability of pregnancy in women undergoing Ovulation induction and Intrauterine Insemination(IUI) after previous failed IUI cycles? A total of 324 patients presenting with primary or secondary infertility in the infertility clinic were screened and assessed. All those patients who satisfied the criteria were recruited and it totalled to 168. An excess of 6 cases being recruited was realised only in the later part of trial when they had already been randomised and underwent IUI as per protocol. Hence all 168 patients were included in the study analysis. Four women out of 168 were withdrawn from the trial in the first cycle, one from intervention group owing to presence of unruptured follicle 42hrs after hCG trigger and another woman who failed to consent for ES before procedure. In control group, male partner was unwell to provide semen sample and another partner’s semen analysis was suboptimal for IUI. Two patients lost to follow up, one in intervention group in third cycle and one in control group in second cycle. So, only 162 women completed the trial and were analysed. Consort diagram attached. The Data were analysed using the SPSS software package, version 22.0 (IBM Inc., Armonk, NY, USA) by Student t test and one-way ANOVA to compare means for normally distributed continuous variables. Fisher’s exact test and the chi-square test were used for categorical variables. Independent t test was used as test of significance to identify the mean difference between two groups. A p value <0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Unexplained infertility was more frequent than Mild male factor infertility in both groups comprising 87.6% and 88.8% respectively. More than 70% of patients had primary infertility and Median duration of infertility was more in Control group than intervention group which was statistically significant.
Steps to reproduce
Structured proforma was used to collect the data from the patients once recruited to the study from the patient case file. Data was entered in Excel sheet and subsequently statistical analysis, SPSS 22.0 software was used.