Suaahara I - spouses only
Published: 9 December 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hry8f9dfy2.1
Suneetha Kadiyala, Marie Ruel, Purnima Menon, Caitlin Kieran, Kate Ambler, Cheryl Doss, Simone PassarelliDescription
Suaahara I, a United States Agency for International Development‐funded 5‐year (2011–2016) integrated nutrition program, aimed to address the poor nutritional status of women and children residing in 41 rural districts of Nepal. This data set is a subset of the data from the baseline survey conducted in 2012 for the Suaahara I project. It only includes households in which both the mother of the index child (a randomly selected child under five) and her husband responded to the survey. It also only includes a subset of the variables collected in the survey.
Nutrition, Maternal-Child Health