The Study of measures taken for Women’s Economic Empowerment in Bihar: Opportunities and Challenges

Published: 10 September 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hs4z4jjt5p.1
Mukesh Kumar Mishra


On March 9, 2015, the Bihar government declared the state policy for women empowerment to ensure that women participate in mainstream development (Times, 2015). This study delves into the factors that influence the adoption of governmental policies and measures taken by the Bihar government for women's empowerment in the state of Bihar and the role of SHG for women's empowerment. Addressing the needs for enhanced access to education, health, and employment for women in Bihar is crucial for promoting overall societal development and gender equality. Addressing this subject requires the development of an ecosystem that is conducive to supporting entrepreneurs, and specifically, women entrepreneurs. The collaborative effort of government, business, and society is needed to tackle economic challenges like job creation, capital market flexibility, liquidity, and labour market flexibility.



Political Science, Public Administration, Rural Development
