Butterfly Fish Dataset

Published: 2 October 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/hsmjkvd5sm.2


This dataset consists of two types of data, conditioned butterfly fish image dataset and unconditioned butterfly fish image dataset. The conditioned data consists of 9 classes with a majority class of 44 data and a minority class of 9 data, with an average data size of 2.70 MB. , the fish were placed in a mini studio with a white cloth background and then photographed using a Cannon camera, then the unconditional data consisted of 14 classes with 307 data for the majority class and 34 data for the minority class, with an average data size of 1.78 MB, fish allowed to swim freely in a mini aquarium, and pictures were taken using an iPhone 11 camera.


Steps to reproduce

in the conditional dataset the fish were placed in a mini studio with a white cloth background and then photographed using a Cannon camera, then the unconditional, fish allowed to swim freely in a mini aquarium, and pictures were taken using an iPhone 11 camera.


Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha


Fish, Machine Learning, Butterfly
