Application of the ESA-CCI land cover maps dataset at 300 m spatial resolution to assess Nicaragua’s agrarian frontier geospatial trend at the country-level and biosphere reserve-level

Published: 4 July 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hssjnft636.1
Alder Contreras


The encroachment of the agrarian frontier constitutes Nicaragua’s biggest environmental challenge as the major cause of complex processes of ecosystems degradation. I use the ESA-CCI land cover maps dataset and the UNCCD land cover classes (UNCCD-LC) to estimate its geospatial trend in terms of land cover changes and transitions at the country-level and the areas encompassing Bosawas and Río San Juan biosphere reserves from 1992 to 2018. The ESA-CCI land cover maps generated at 300 m spatial resolution on an annual basis from 1992 to 2015 in TIF format (raster layers) were collected from the official website of the ESA-CCI ( The coordinate reference system of the maps is a geographic coordinate system based on the World Geodetic System 84 (WGS84) reference ellipsoid. The processing of the geospatial data was carried out using QGIS. The 36 ESA-CCI land cover classes (CCI-LC) were re-classified to the 7 UNCCD-LC (i.e., tree-covered, grassland, cropland, wetland, artificial, other land, and water body). The ESA-CCI land cover maps were clipped to the country-level (Nicaragua) using the vector layers in SHP format collected from the official website of GADM (, and at the biosphere reserve-level (Bosawas y Río San Juan) using the vector layers in SHP format collected from the official website of Protected Planet ( A pixel count approach was used to estimate each UNCCD-LC area. STATA was used to calculate UNCCD-LC area estimates in squared kilometers, each pixel counting for 300 m x 300 m which is the ESA-CCI land cover maps spatial resolution.


Steps to reproduce

The data file (compressed) requires a password to be read (momentarily only available for editors). Please read the PDF file 'replication' contained in the data file for a detailed explanation of how to reproduce the results.


Conservation, Ecosystem Services, Land Cover Change, Landscape, Protected Area
