Road Traversing Knowledge
Published: 16 May 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hssswvmjwf.1
, , Rafael ToledoDescription
The Road Transverse Knowledge (RTK) dataset was specially designed to meet the emerging country infrastructure. It sums 701 densely annotated images of low-resolution quality (352x288), split into 561 and 140 samples for the training and the validation sets, respectively. The dataset presents 12 classes of road surfaces like asphalt, paved and unpaved; damages like potholes, water puddles, and cracks; and road signs like speed bumps, cat's eyes, and markings. The images were captured in good weather and daylight conditions in the country areas of Santa Catarina in Brazil.
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Image Segmentation, Surface Damage, Emerging Country, Road, Road Safety