CKD patient dietary management study dataset

Published: 2 January 2025| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hsvv8vj4hp.1
Huijie Li


1. Research Background and Objective This study leverages Protection Motivation Theory to analyze and predict the dietary management intentions of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) patients, thereby providing theoretical support for developing effective health intervention strategies. 2. Dataset Details Data Source: The data was collected through questionnaire surveys administered to CKD patients undergoing treatment at a specific tertiary hospital. Data Collection Method: Structured paper-based questionnaires were distributed and collected. Data Type: The dataset is provided in SPSS Statistics Data Document (.sav) format and includes both quantitative and qualitative variables. Variables Description: Demographic Variables: Age: Age of the participants. Gender: Gender of the participants. Education Level: Highest educational attainment of the participants. Height: Height of the participants. Weight: Weight of the participants. Marital Status: Marital status of the participants. Employment Status: Employment status of the participants. Income: Income level of the participants. Duration of CKD: Length of time since CKD diagnosis. Protection Motivation Theory Constructs: Perceived Severity: Participants' perception of the severity of CKD. Perceived Vulnerability: Participants' perception of their personal risk of worsening CKD. Response Efficacy: Belief in the effectiveness of dietary management in controlling CKD. Self-Efficacy: Confidence in their ability to implement dietary management. Response Cost: Perceived costs or barriers to implementing dietary management. Dietary Management Intention: Level of intention to engage in dietary management in the future. 3. Dataset Usage and Applications This dataset is suitable for the following research and applications: Theoretical Research: Further validation and extension of Protection Motivation Theory in predicting health behaviors. Health Interventions: Designing targeted dietary management interventions for CKD patients to enhance their implementation intentions and actual behaviors. 4. Data Quality and Limitations Limitations: Data Source: This study relies on self-reported survey data, which may be subject to recall bias and social desirability bias. Selection Bias: Including only hospitalized patients may lead to selection bias, limiting the applicability of findings to outpatient populations. 5. Data Access and Usage License License: This dataset is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), allowing for sharing and adaptation with appropriate attribution to the original authors. Access Permissions: Public access, available for anyone to download and use for academic research and non-commercial purposes.



Diet, Chronic Kidney Disease, Theory of Motivation
