Replication dataset for "The vagaries of valuation: Post-traumatic growth and psychological responses to gains and losses"
Published: 25 October 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hsyh7cstm3.1
Eric SkoogDescription
This repository contains the replication materiuals for the publication "The vagaries of valuation: Post-traumatic growth and psychological responses to gains and losses". The folder contains the data file including the variables required for the main analyses in the paper, as well as robustness checks and follow-up analyses in the appendix. It also contains the .do-file for running these analyses. Analyses were run using Stata 17. To run the analyses, open the .do-file in stata 17, copy the folder and file location on your drive into the locations indicated, and run the file.
Money, Evolutionary Psychology, War, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder