Database - Article "Behavioral Economics and Auto Insurance: The Role of Biases and Heuristics"
Data and code for the article Behavioral Economics and Auto Insurance: The Role of Biases and Heuristics". This paper analyzes how framing, anchoring and certainty effects may affect the behavior of the consumer of auto insurance. An experiment was carried out, with the face-to-face application of six versions of a questionnaire with 14 questions, for 163 respondents from an educational institution. Questions were prepared to analyze the existence of the Framing Effect, the Anchoring Effect and the Certainty Effect, in addition to the Deductible Effect (present in several insurance products). The theoretical framework of the paper is the Behavioral Economics. Data includes: Original answers, collected in the experiment Stata code used in the econometric procedure
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Do file (Seguro Auto Comportamental - Procedimento Econometrico - Secao é utilizado para o procedimento econométrico da seção 4.6. No arquivo há os comandos para leitura do arquivo com a base de dados (Base de dados Seguro Auto Comportamental.xlsx). Este arquivo foi gerado com os questionários da pesquisa. Também traz todos os gráficos que são mostrados no arquivo. Também estão disponíveis os arquivos com as seis versões do questionário utilizado na pesquisa.