Data for: The stress dependence of velocities and its influencing factors for carbonate rocks in Arab formation, Saudi Arabia
1. Petrophysical properties, texture and pore type of the 37 carbonate samples, and the velocities in this table are measured at dry condition during the loading process. (1) Poro = Porosity, Perm = Permeability, Rom = Density of the solid matrix, Rod = Density of the dry sample, Tex. = Texture, Dol. = Dolomite, Cal. = Calcite, and Anh.= Anhydrite. (2) B = Boundstone, C = No fabric preserving crystalized rock, F = Floatstone, G = Grainstone, M = Mudstone, P = Packstone, and W = Wackstone. (3) MA = Macropore, MI = Micropore, MA includes interparticle (IP), moldic (M), intraskeletal (IAS), intraparticle (IAP), intercrystal (IC) and leached dolomite. (4) the Vp of sample 8-91 at effective stress of 5 MPa was interpolated based the measurements with effective stress varying between 7.5 MPa and 25 MPa stepped by 2.5MPa. 2. The fitting results of 33 carbonate samples based on equation (2). Among the 37 samples, 4 samples’ velocity-effective stress behaviors do not follow the empirical model. So here only shows the fitting results of 33 samples. The fittings are done by the least-squares method, and the squared-correlation coefficient (R2) for all these fittings are larger than 0.95.