Supplementary Table 1. Demographics of Dermatology Visits.

Published: 3 August 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/htvpwnxnmg.1
Abigail Cline


t Patients were contacted and scheduled for a telemedicine encounter unless they declined the televisit and requested an in-person appointment. Upon completion of the telemedicine visit, patients were scheduled for a follow-up appointment in-person if any of the following applied: 1) the patient preferred to be seen in person, 2) the attending physician deemed it necessary for the patient to be evaluated in person or 3) the patient had trouble connecting via photo-exchange or video. Otherwise, patients were scheduled for a telemedicine follow-up visit. Telemedicine visit types include telephone alone, telephone and photo-exchange, real-time audio and video or a combination of these modalities. Platforms utilized during telemedicine encounters; EPIC MyChart (WI), Doximity (CA) Spruce Health (CA) and/or telephone. *Bold indicates statistical significance (p<0.05) as calculated by Chi-squared Test.



