Vitamin D supplementation and cardiac inflammation (Vitamina D; PI: M Turiel)
Published: 25 October 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/htvvbxxps5.2
Matteo BriguglioDescription
Raw data of the clinical trial NCT03403933. We enrolled older adults scheduled for major orthopaedic surgery and suffering from hypovitaminosis D. Patients underwent 6-months calcifediol supplementation after surgery. After the normalization of low levels of vitamin D, we were able to observe a reduction of circulating TNFα and ADMA together with the amelioration of cardiac function. The dataset was used to write the article "Vitamin D, cardio-inflammation, and endothelial dysfunction in older adults after orthopedic surgery: results from an open-label trial to ameliorate cardiac function", which was published by the Journal of Nutrition clinique et métabolisme in 2020.
IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi
Orthopedics, Inflammation, Tumor Necrosis Factor, Vitamin D, Dietary Supplement, Cardiac Function